Post Purchase PRO: How to Get Acquired for a 12x Multiple

Shawn is trying to make his company attractive to prospective buyers — Nick and Jay are here to help.

Our hot seat this week:

Shawn Hart is the Co-Founder of Post Purchase PRO, a company that optimizes the customer base of Amazon sellers through follow-up sequences. Shawn’s had success in selling his companies in the past and he’s looking to sell Post Purchase PRO for at least 12x EBITDA. To do that he needs to overcome many issues, such as how to support all of the customers they’re attracting. That’s where Nick and Jay come in.

In this episode, we help Shawn:

  1. Integrate software and AI into the company to create a more streamlined service.
  2. Open up multiple revenue streams for his company by optimizing existing customers.
  3. Reconsider his pricing model to boost profits and ease the strain on his team.

Learn more about Post Purchase PRO and Shawn here:

Want to get in the hot seat? Submit your business right now at

If we think you’re a good fit, we’ll get you on the show.

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