Ventura Air Services: Helping a Private Jet Company Turn on the Afterburners

Expanding a business that enables private jet owners to lease their aircraft.

Our hot seat this week:

Nik Tarascio is the CEO of Ventura Air Services, a private jet charter company that brings a new model to the industry. His business model enables jet owners to lease their aircraft, earning income for each flying hour, while being relieved of maintenance, pilot, and fixed cost burdens. Nik’s company currently generates ~$50 million in revenue per year, however, Nik is ready to scale even further and needs to find a way to get more aircraft into his company, and that’s where Nick and Jay come in.  

In this episode, we help Nik:

  1. Create a database of every private jet owner in the country.
  2. Develop a marketing plan that will get past the gatekeepers and bring huge value to private jet owners.
  3. Implement software to ensure company efficiency and communication stay strong whilst scaling the team.

Learn more about Nik and Ventura Air Services:

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If we think you’re a good fit, we’ll get you on the show.

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